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What Are The Steps for Using The Walking Type Rice Transplanter?

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Walking type rice planter is composed of seedling box, transplanting mechanism, sound card frame and water photovoltaic (marine steel plate), etc. the walking mobile rice transplanter is also equipped with power drive, walking equipment, seedling delivery mechanism, etc.

  • What are the steps for using the walking type rice transplanter?

  • What is the workflow of walking type rice transplanter?

  • How to use the walking type rice transplanter?

What are the steps for using the walking type rice transplanter?

①When the walking type rice transplanter is operating, leave a working width around the ridge, and then work in reverse order along the length of the field, and finally exit the field after the operation around the ridge.

②When the walking type rice transplanter is operating, the first line is directly close to the ridge for transplanting, and two empty fields with a working width are reserved on the other three sides by the ridge, so that the rice transplanter can make a U-turn, and finally exit the field after reciprocating around the three sides. piece. This solution is mostly used for ride-on rice transplanters with a large turning radius.

③ When the walking type rice transplanter encounters irregular fields, when the machine is inserted, use the longest side of the field as the first line to work first, reserve a working width around the ridge to work in sequence, and finally exit the field after completing the work around the surrounding area.

What is the workflow of walking type rice transplanter?

The working process of the walking type rice transplanter is different due to different structures, but the basic process is basically the same. The basic principle of "separating the crowd for multiple times and immediately planting" is: the seedlings are placed neatly into the seedling box according to the crowd, and move laterally with the seedling box, so that the seedling fetcher can separate and take away a certain number of seedlings. Under the function of the motion track control mechanism, the seedlings are inserted into the soil according to agricultural regulations, and the seedling harvester is returned to the seedling box to collect the seedlings according to a certain motion track.

How to use the walking type rice transplanter?

During the shipment of seedlings, it is necessary to move the empty seedling box to the other end of the guide rail in advance, and then ship the seedlings, which can effectively prevent the seedlings from being missed to a certain extent.

In the actual packing process of the walking type rice transplanter, it is necessary to pay full attention to keeping the seedlings tightly attached to the seedling box, but the phenomenon of seedling arching should not occur and the joints of the two seedlings should be kept aligned. But there can be no gaps.

When necessary, the seedlings and the seedling box should be sprinkled accordingly, so as to ensure that the walking type rice transplanter slides down unobstructed to a certain extent, and the seedlings are transplanted smoothly.

After reading, do you have a deeper understanding of walking type rice transplanter? For further information, please contact FM World Agricultural Machinery. They will be very pleased to help you!

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